Are You Trying To Conceive?
Here’s An Invitation to Consider A Gentle and Effective Option for Fertility and Reproductive Support
Mercier Therapy?
Mercier Therapy is a non invasive, gentle deep pelvic organ visceral manipulation technique in which the reproductive organs are mobilized and blood flow is restored. Restrictions around Lligaments and organs in the the pelvis are relieved and movement is restored allowing for optimal functioning and a fertility boost.
How does Mercier Therapy work?
The protocol is a six-hour regimen, broken down into one hour weekly sessions. We work through the abdomen and pelvis to accomplish the goal of releasing organ restriction and improving circulation. This protocol can be used to assist women looking to conceive naturally as well as to support those needing to utilize medically assisted reproductive technologies.
Mercier Therapy has been proven beneficial for:
- Anovulation
- Amenhorrea (lack of period)
- Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)
- Endometriosis
- Infertility
- Ovarian function
- Pelvic Pain/Painful Intercourse
- Pelvic scarring from previous trauma or surgery ( laparoscopy, laparotomy, D&C, LEEP, abortion, cystocele or rectocele repair, cesarean section, or hysterectomy)
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Uterine Fibroids
- A comprehensive program designed to help you become an integral part of your fertility journey.
- 6 Merciér Therapy sessions + tune-ups
- Menstrual cycle charting and education on recognizing your body’s natural biomarkers and signs of fertility, + and more.
- My support for up to a year on your fertility journey. I will serve as a liaison for you should it become necessary to use medically assisted fertility methods
The program is custom tailored to each individual woman's situation and will be discussed in further detail at a consultation.
When scheduling your consult please make sure to allow 60-90 minutes and bring any past medical records that may be helpful when discussing your history. During the consult a full health history will be obtained and discussed as well as a pelvic organ mobility evaluation will be done.
Some Research on Mercier Therapy:
Mercier Therapy concluded a four year, evidence based research study in September 2012, indicating an 83% pregnancy success rate.
The abstract, “Mercier Therapy Helps Infertile Women Achieve Pregnancy” was published in the spring 2013 edition of Midwifery Today.
Mercier Therapy just published the latest five-year study in January 2019 indicating an 87.7% pregnancy success rate when women have undergone Mercier Therapy prior to starting IVF stimulation. The abstract, “Mercier Therapy Improves IVF Outcomes” was published in the Winter 2018 edition of Midwifery Today.
The Documentary:
Here is a Link to watch "Fertility: The Shared Journey with Mercier Therapy"
Considering preconception and fertility support ? Would love to answer any questions you may have!